Rules to Successful Trading

I just found out my good friend Sam has an Investment Blog called Investocrat. One of the investment insight articles on Rules to Successful Trading he wrote awhile back is really good. I like how he put it:
Successfully trading the markets require strict discipline. A set of rules guide every trade just like the Ten Commandments to a devoted Christian.
These 10 investment rules are:
  1. Be Discipline
  2. Manage Your Risk
  3. Control Your Emotions
  4. Listen to the Market
  5. Be Patient
  6. Ride the Trend
  7. Focus on Abnormal Activities
  8. Learn From Your Mistakes
  9. Keep it Simple
  10. Repeat
You can read the full articles on his investment blog.


Paul said...

Thanks for the post.
The link in your article seems broken.

Ray Yip said...

Thanks Paul. The links should be working now.

Engineer-a-business said...

These rules should be commonsense but they are certainly worth repeating since too many traders don't end up following them.