Valuable Advice from John McCall MacBian

John McCall MacBian was the founder and former president and CEO of Trader Classified Media. He recently wrote an article which I've gone back and re-read many times. The following is a summary:

  • You will probably best succeed if you "be a big fish in a small pond, and jump from pond to pond."
  • Limit your ego to below your capabilities. Ego interferes with progress, since people who behave like kings are slow to adapt.
  • Your best career and life choices will be found at the intersection of what you like to do and what you are good at.
  • Thunderstorms were really rays of light guiding us to a bright future.
  • Environment is our major shared challenge where business should focus on sustainable green solutions.
I'd encourage you to read his article and see how you can apply them to achieve your success.